Environmental Issues
“Environmental issues are defined as problems with the planet’s systems (air, water, soil, etc.) that have developed as a result of human interference or mistreatment of the planet.”
~ Your Dictionary ~
~ Your Dictionary ~
International Vegan Film Festival Presents:
Transfarming Switzerland Screening
"The International Vegan Film Festival has collaborated with Sanctuary Doc to offer a FREE virtual screening of Transfarming Switzerland, a panel discussion with experts, and an interactive audience Q&A.
This will all take place over Zoom on Thursday, August 29 at 4:00 pm PT/7:00 pm EST.
Pre-registration is required. Please register here or by clicking the button below!"
Register Here!
This will all take place over Zoom on Thursday, August 29 at 4:00 pm PT/7:00 pm EST.
Pre-registration is required. Please register here or by clicking the button below!"
Register Here!
The Solar System
NASA animation reveals the biggest black holes in the UNIVERSE
Source: The Weather Network
Credit: Stellarium/Scott Sutherland
Credit: Stellarium/Scott Sutherland
Niagara Falls Illumination - May 21stWorldwide Support for Save Soil
"On May 21st, 2022, between 10:30 - 10:45 pm ET, Niagara Falls will be illuminated into green and blue hues in support of the Save Soil movement." (From Isha USA e-newsletter)
Climate Change
"Published in 2019, this report is about how and why Canada’s climate has changed and what changes are projected for the future. Led by Environment and Climate Change Canada, this document is the first of a series to be released as part of Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action. It documents changes across Canada in temperature, precipitation, snow, ice, permafrost and freshwater availability as well as in Canada’s three oceans.
Scientists from Environment and Climate Change Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Natural Resources Canada, and university experts collaborated to produce Canada’s Changing Climate Report. This first document of the series provides the climate-science foundation for upcoming reports, which will address the impacts of climate change on our communities, environment and economy, and how we are adapting." (From the Government of Canada website)
Scientists from Environment and Climate Change Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Natural Resources Canada, and university experts collaborated to produce Canada’s Changing Climate Report. This first document of the series provides the climate-science foundation for upcoming reports, which will address the impacts of climate change on our communities, environment and economy, and how we are adapting." (From the Government of Canada website)
"Did you know that more than half of the world’s agricultural soil is already degraded and in the next 60 years time, we will run out of cultivable soil?" (From Inner Engineering.com website)
"Save Soil - Conscious Planet is a global movement launched by Sadhguru to save soil from extinction, and bring the necessary policies to address the catastrophic issue facing humanity.
Soil Facts
"How is soil degradation impacting your life?
- A study on nutrients in food concluded that we would have to eat 8 oranges to get the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents did with one orange because soil depletion has caused massive drops in nutrient levels in food. (Scientific American)
- 2 billion people suffer from nutritional deficiencies (WHO)
- The average mineral content of calcium, magnesium, and iron in cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, and spinach has dropped 80-90% between 1914 and 2018 in the US (NCBI)
- The global economy will lose US $23 trillion by 2050 through land degradation (UNCCD)
- Soil degradation causes a loss of $235 billion to $577 billion in crop productivity every year (IPBES)
Save Soil Movement aims to:
Increase organic matter in soil to a minimum of 3%
To effect this change we need to:
Increase organic matter in soil to a minimum of 3%
To effect this change we need to:
- Advocate for policies across all nations towards soil restoration
- Raise awareness of this imminent crisis among 3.5 billion people to garner their support for these policies." (From Inner Engineering.com website)
Soil is the basis of our lives. But...
"Agriculture, deforestation, and other factors have degraded and eroded topsoil at alarming rates. Globally, 52% of agricultural land is already degraded. The planet is in crisis. If current rates of soil degradation continue, this would be the end of life as we know it."
Soil: A holistic solution
"Almost every major ecological crisis is, to some degree or form, a consequence or symptom of the degradation of soil. Similarly, almost every environmental or environment-related pain point can be addressed by creating healthy soil.
It is, in fact, a fallacy to think we can address any one aspect of our environment without addressing the whole, because no aspect of the ecosystem functions in isolation. No solution is complete until we become conscious that life is one single complex phenomenon, all of which is happening in unison. In many ways, Soil is the underlying platform upon which life springs forth. If we fix soil, we have the best chance of fixing the whole." (From Conscious Planet.org website)
It is, in fact, a fallacy to think we can address any one aspect of our environment without addressing the whole, because no aspect of the ecosystem functions in isolation. No solution is complete until we become conscious that life is one single complex phenomenon, all of which is happening in unison. In many ways, Soil is the underlying platform upon which life springs forth. If we fix soil, we have the best chance of fixing the whole." (From Conscious Planet.org website)
The Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance Events & Courses
Seed Libraries Webinar:
"A collaboration between Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, Cindy Osborne with Western Nebraska Library System, Justine Hernandez with Pima Country Public Library – Seed Library, and Paulina Borrego with Mass Aggie Seed Library.For more information and inspiration, check out the Resource List!
SS101: Seed School 101 - Seed School 101 offers a comprehensive yet accessible overview of the history, science, business, and craft of seeds. The program allows you to work at your own pace while learning about the magical power of seed saving. More info here. $40
GS101: Grain School 101 - Grain School 101 is a broad, self-guided education program bound to challenge the current industrial food paradigm and empower you to get involved in your regional grain system. More info here. $40
Milling and Baking Bonanza - Access to 8 in-depth presentations and culinary demonstrations highlighting the uses and nutritional benefits of ancient and heritage whole wheats! More info here. $40 (From e-newsletter)
"A collaboration between Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, Cindy Osborne with Western Nebraska Library System, Justine Hernandez with Pima Country Public Library – Seed Library, and Paulina Borrego with Mass Aggie Seed Library.For more information and inspiration, check out the Resource List!
SS101: Seed School 101 - Seed School 101 offers a comprehensive yet accessible overview of the history, science, business, and craft of seeds. The program allows you to work at your own pace while learning about the magical power of seed saving. More info here. $40
GS101: Grain School 101 - Grain School 101 is a broad, self-guided education program bound to challenge the current industrial food paradigm and empower you to get involved in your regional grain system. More info here. $40
Milling and Baking Bonanza - Access to 8 in-depth presentations and culinary demonstrations highlighting the uses and nutritional benefits of ancient and heritage whole wheats! More info here. $40 (From e-newsletter)
"We are thankful for our wonderful community of seed savers who take part in the traditions of seed saving and sharing, year after year. Elizabeth of Finding Quiet Farm wrote a piece on seeds last month, and we want to share her story and photos of the farm's seed-saving journey. Read the full post here and thank you for the shout-out Elizabeth!" (From Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance eNewsletter)
The Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance Calendar of Events
Monthly Seed Saving Class + Q&A
with Bill McDorman & Greg Peterson
Third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Eastern
Sign Up HERE
"Live online classes that support you to save and store seeds so that you can create a thriving, resilient garden tailored to YOUR yard's unique needs
New seed saving and food growing topics addressed each month
Ask Bill your most pressing seed questions live and get the inspiration and know-how needed to become a seed saving superhero."
New seed saving and food growing topics addressed each month
Ask Bill your most pressing seed questions live and get the inspiration and know-how needed to become a seed saving superhero."
Monthly Garden Chat Q&A
with Greg Peterson & Special Guests!
Fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Eastern
Sign Up HERE
"Free & live online class every month to support your food growing journey
Opportunity to get your food growing questions/challenges addressed by experts
AND... If you miss a class we will bring the replay to you through the Urban Farm Podcast!"
Opportunity to get your food growing questions/challenges addressed by experts
AND... If you miss a class we will bring the replay to you through the Urban Farm Podcast!"
Digging Into Aquaponics Series
Part 1: The Plants
Part 2: The Fish
Part 3: The Systems
Secrets of the Whales
National Dolphin Day April 14th
"EarthxFilm showcases films and emerging media that explore conservation, climate change, and the environment while honoring the heroes working to protect our planet. Our goal is to turn awareness into action, through art and motion picture media including documentaries, film shorts and virtual reality, and to partner with environmental, film and entertainment organizations across the globe." (From EarthX YouTube)
Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Planet
"Each year, Earth Day is given a theme to focus action on a pressing environmental issue. The theme for 2021 is “Restore Our Earth,” which brings attention to natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking to protect and restore ecosystems impacted by climate change." (From 4Ocean website)
Educational Resources for Earth Day
"Each year on April 22 we celebrate Earth Day, an event dedicated to raising awareness about the environment and how to protect it.
Mark the occasion with this selection of resources and films that tackle today's environmental issues and take a closer look at our world, the environment, and sustainability." (From NFB Education website)
Mark the occasion with this selection of resources and films that tackle today's environmental issues and take a closer look at our world, the environment, and sustainability." (From NFB Education website)
Mini-Lesson for A Sea Turtle's Story (Ages 7-11)"Guiding Question: How can society promote environmental stewardship?" (From NFB Education website)
Hope Builders (Ages 10-14)
Earth Day Links:
- Earth Day: The Official Site - Earth Day is Every Day, Growing The Movement Since 1970
- 8 Free Earth Day Events for Families in Ontario
- Five ways to celebrate earth day virtually
- Earth Day Events
- 2021 Calendar: Environmental Days
Local Environmental Events:
London Environmental Network's Podcast
Hamilton Conservation Foundation
Outdoor Environmental Education back in full force
At Dundas Valley Conservation Area
Get inspired! Watch our Seed Education video:
Environmental Issues Links:
- Environmental Issues
- Environmental Problems
- The Biggest Environmental Problems Of 2020
- Types of Environmental Issues
- Environmental Issues and Solutions
- Environmental Issues Guide: What To Know Now
- The Biggest Environmental Issues In Canada
- Environmental Challenges
Quote: “Our very being, essence, health and happiness depends on Mother Earth.”
~ David Suzuki~
~ David Suzuki~